What Is An ATS Resume?


A resume could be the one thing standing in the way of you getting a job, because even if you’re the perfect candidate, if your resume doesn’t reflect this then you won’t get a callback. And one of the best ways to check your resume is through the ATS.

What is the ATS?

ATS, short for Applicant Tracking System, plays a crucial role in the hiring process for many companies, aiding them in managing the influx of job applications they receive. If your resume isn’t tailored to meet the requirements of the ATS, it may never reach the eyes of the hiring manager, even if you’re an ideal fit for the position. This system centralises candidate information, including resumes and cover letters, while also tracking application statuses and automating tasks such as screening applicants, parsing resumes, and even arranging interviews seamlessly.

How to create the perfect ATS resume

Despite how many companies use this system, many people have never heard of the ATS and don’t ever find out why they never got the call back. The aim is to create an ATS-friendly resume, one that will not be rejected by the system. Here are the steps to take to ensure you get it right each time.

  1. Make sure you add the job title or experience to your resume heading. A resume headline is just a line about your professional identity, and will appear at the top of your resume, usually below your contact details. For example, ‘Senior Copywriter – Head of Marketing’ or even a little more detailed such as ‘Senior Copywriter with 10+ Years of Experience in Marketing’. Make sure it aligns with the job you are applying for as this is the first thing the hiring manager will look at.
  2. Include the right keywords throughout your resume. Look through the job description of the job you are applying for and highlight the main skills or the keywords you see being used the most. Make sure you include these skills or keywords into your resume as the ATS will be scanning for these.
  3. Remember to format your resume currently. A badly formatted resume means the ATS won’t be able to read your information properly. Even companies not using the ATS won’t consider a badly formatted resume, so it’s best to get it right. Use concise language and don’t overly complicate things just for the sake of looking fancy. Make sure you stick to traditional headings like Education and Work Experience so that it is easily read by the system. Always use common fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica, and add margins to your pages so the resume doesn’t look too crowded.

The trick is to tailor each resume to the job you are applying for so that when hiring managers are searching for candidates for a particular position, you’ll rise to the top of their search. By sticking to these rules, you’ll have a far better chance of being seen.

Giving Your CV A Face Lift With Resume Stylist

Your resume is often your first point of contact with an employer, so it’s essential to have it right. However, a format that you might deem to be visually appealing may actually work against you. If you’re looking for assistance with presenting yourself and your skills in the best possible light, the good news is that there is a solution.

Your resume is the most important self-marketing tool you’ll have access to, so ensuring that you have the right information to help guide you can be a gamechanger. At Resume Stylist, our success is directly linked to yours. As such, we’re aiming to be a resource to help you craft your narrative into a strategic document designed to help you land the job of your dreams.



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