How To Make A Good Impression In An Online Interview


Before you start your online interview, make sure you’re as prepared as possible beforehand. We have some great tips to get you started.

Once prepared, it’s time to make sure you make a good first impression. You’ve wowed them with your resume, so now it’s time to do the same in the interview.

Wear appropriate clothing

Even though your interview will be conducted online, it’s important to dress as if you were meeting in person. The outfit you choose should align with the professional standards of the role you’re applying for. Consider this as an opportunity to express your personality subtly while still maintaining a polished and professional appearance. Whether or not you’re applying for a corporate job, what you wear should convey that you take the opportunity seriously.

Log on early

Punctuality is important in any interview, and logging on a few minutes early can set a positive tone. This extra time allows you to double-check your equipment, ensuring your camera, microphone, and internet connection are all functioning properly. It also gives you a moment to gather your thoughts and relax before the interview begins. Being ready ahead of time shows your respect for the interviewer’s schedule and demonstrates your professionalism.

Focus on the interviewer

During the interview, it’s essential to stay focused on the interviewer. Maintaining eye contact and actively listening to what they’re saying creates a connection and shows that you’re engaged. Avoid the common mistake of looking at your own image on the screen, as this can be distracting for both you and the interviewer. Treat the interaction as if you were in the same room, giving the interviewer your full attention and responding thoughtfully to their questions.

Be yourself

Authenticity is key in any interview. While it’s important to remain professional, you should also let your true personality shine through. The interviewer wants to get to know the real you, so they can determine if you’ll be a good fit for the team. Being genuine helps build rapport and allows both you and the employer to assess whether the role is right for you. Remember, you want to be hired for who you are, not for a persona you think the interviewer wants to see.

Ask questions

At the end of most interviews, you’ll be given the opportunity to ask questions. Use this time wisely to show that you’re genuinely interested in the role and the company. While you don’t need to bombard the interviewer with a long list, having one or two thoughtful questions prepared can make a strong impression. These questions not only demonstrate your engagement but also help you gather important information to decide if the position aligns with your career goals.

Do a follow up email

After the interview, it’s a good practice to send a follow-up email on the same day. A brief note thanking the interviewer for their time and expressing your enthusiasm for the role can set you apart from other candidates. This small gesture of courtesy reinforces your interest in the position and leaves a positive impression, showing that you’re proactive and considerate.

Good luck on your interview!

Giving Your CV A Face Lift With Resume Stylist

Your resume is often your first point of contact with an employer, so it’s essential to have it right. However, a format that you might deem to be visually appealing may actually work against you. If you’re looking for assistance with presenting yourself and your skills in the best possible light, the good news is that there is a solution.

Your resume is the most important self-marketing tool you’ll have access to, so ensuring that you have the right information to help guide you can be a gamechanger. At Resume Stylist, our success is directly linked to yours. As such, we’re aiming to be a resource to help you craft your narrative into a strategic document designed to help you land the job of your dreams.



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